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- ============================================================================
- ============================================================================
- 1.29 Changes/Additions since 1.28:
- - Added xfdPatch to the vector check.
- - Added recognition for LZX archives to the file check. Thanks to
- Holger Wessling for the hint.
- - Added MCP and PatchControl 2.2 to the vector check. Thanks to
- Stefan Sommerfeld for sending the latest versions and for the
- extra information.
- - Added option 'Use External Slaves' to the file check preferences.
- This is a new feature of xfdmaster.library v37 to filter out
- external slaves that cause trouble all the time.
- - Added KUK Crew and LZX 1.2 Fake trojans and Invader linkvirus.
- Thanks to Markus Schmall for sending them.
- - Modified and expanded the background preferences. The buttons for
- 'Bootblocks', 'Disk-Validators' and 'Known Viruses' exist twice
- now as all the other buttons too. The 'Check Disks On Startup'
- has been removed and replaced by the above mentioned. Now you can
- switch on/off the bootblock and disk-validator check separately,
- the check for known viruses can be switched off at startup too.
- Please control your settings when you start the new version for
- the first time.
- - Rearranged some vector check code for better performance and
- finally added all patches caused by SetPatch 40.16. Thanks to
- Lars Kristensen for reporting about the SetPatch problems on
- his machine.
- - Redesigned file check preferences for better readability.
- - Added changes done by 68040.library to vector check. If there
- are still some vectors reported, please send me a note because
- I couldn't test the recognition myself. No 68040 :-(
- 1.28 Changes/Additions since 1.27:
- - Finally fixed a problem that I already noticed some months ago,
- but didn't find the bug. After inserting and removing some disks,
- it may have happened that the system had a busy-loop whenever the
- background checker was working. Now I found the problem that
- caused all the trouble: the BEOL memory checker tried to read
- from a non-existing process in not available memory areas.
- - Added a big new feature: a real background checker that not only
- searches for known viruses but recognizes all changes done to
- any system vectors. You can configure it totally to your needs.
- All checks can be enabled/disabled separately for startup and
- for surveillance.
- - Added new security check to the memory checker: before testing
- for known viruses, the respective address is tested to be in
- available memory areas. This prevents busy-loops with RAD: or
- other residents located near the bounds of a memory area.
- - Added MagicCX 2.39 to the vector check. Thanks to Martin Hans
- for sending it.
- 1.27 Changes/Additions since 1.26:
- - Added Happy New Year 96 linkvirus + 2 installers and three old
- bootblock viruses called Asshole, RedGhost and Sao Paulo. Thanks
- to Markus Schmall and Holger & Data-Stream for sending them.
- - Added new version of xfdmaster.library to the package.
- - VirusZ has a new official distribution site: Nirvana BBS !!
- For more info read the updates chapter of the guide file.
- Thanks to Markus Schmall for talking with the SysOp.
- 1.26 Changes/Additions since 1.25:
- - Added (new versions of) the following patches:
- BusyPointer, FastWaitBlit, PatchOpenWB, QuietTD, WBGauge,
- PowerData, ForceIcon, ModePro, AlertPatch, Arq and ReqChange.
- Thanks must go to Dave Jones, David Oakes, Martin Hans and
- Adam Szymczak for sending me that stuff.
- - Added viruses: Circle Of Power 10 + 11, Biomechanic 6,
- PB-Party Fake and Phantom Linkvirus + Installer. Thanks to
- Markus Schmall for sending them.
- - Added unlink code for Glue 2.2 and Glue 2.3 linkers to the
- file check. Thanks to Dave Jones and Markus Schmall for the
- example files.
- 1.25 Changes/Additions since 1.24:
- - Fixed menu colors for Kickstart V39+.
- - Removed INFO option from the shell template.
- - Added ARexx port! Finally VirusZ can be controlled from external
- scripts or other programs. The first commands are HIDE and QUIT.
- - Added CHECKFILE command to the ARexx port. Now you can check
- single files from other programs like DOpus etc.
- - Added ARexx command CHECKDIR to check a whole directory.
- - Added scripts: CheckFile.vzrx, CheckDir.vzrx and CheckArc.vzrx.
- These three show the whole power of VirusZ's Arexx port. You may
- modify them for use with e.g. DOpus or other archive types.
- - Extended shell template with FILECHECK, AREXX and QUIT commands.
- These enable you to send ARexx commands from a shell environment
- or from scripts directly to VirusZ. Returncodes represent the
- results of the ARexx calls. If VirusZ is not running while using
- one of the shell options, it will be first started and then the
- commands will be transmitted to the ARexx port.
- - Fixed string comparison in the ARexx code. Now it is no longer
- case sensitive and thus will no longer make trouble with shell
- options.
- - Rebuilt and enhanced documentation. Now you can get some more
- information about what VirusZ is doing in the background etc.
- - Added ExAll() emulation to the file checker. There seems to be
- a problem with some Kickstart versions using ExAll(). I've
- written a replacement routine that can be turned on if required.
- Thanks to Markus Schmall for telling me about the problem and
- to the guys who told it to Markus.
- - Added MultiCX 2.18 to vector check. Thanks Markus!
- - Fixed all gadget sliders to Kickstart V39+ colors.
- - Added Swifter 2.5 and SCSI-HD-Faker viruses. Thanks Markus!
- - Added new behaviour to startup code: If there's already an old
- version of VirusZ running, this one will be terminated and the
- new version is started. This will only work with versions that
- already have an ARexx port, so this is useful starting with the
- next version of VirusZ. Thanks to Holger for the idea.
- - Added 'Activate On Startup' option to the Misc settings. Now
- you can tell VirusZ to activate the main window on startup.
- Thanks to Axel Folley for that suggestion.
- - Added 'Skip Crypted Files' option to file check settings.
- This is useful if you have many password-protected files and
- don't want to click on the 'Cancel' gadget a hundred times.
- Idea by Axel Folley, thanks a lot.
- - Fixed report output in file check: Now the escape sequences
- are no longer starting with $9b, but with $1b,$5b. This makes
- the output readable in editors like CygnusEd that support the
- usual esc sequences. Thanks again to Axel Folley for the hint.
- - Added Wireface Trojan 2 (CheckMount) virus. This nasty beast
- was sent to me by Axel Folley. Thanks #4!!
- 1.24 Changes/Additions since 1.23:
- - Oops! Little bug fix in the file check. This one must have been
- in VirusZ for at least 2 years and nobody (including myself)
- noticed it. Whenever VirusZ came across 9 or more subdirectories,
- the display went crazy because of a counter underflow in the
- screen output routine. Special thanks to Cameron Weeks, Rudolph
- Riedel and Axel Folley for the detailed report. Isn't it funny
- that nobody noticed that bug for years and now you guys found it
- all within two weeks??
- - Added support for SetMan, PatchControl and patch.library to the
- vector check. All patches that have been SetFunction()ed with
- one of these programs running caused VirusZ to display them as
- unknown even if they were already built in.
- Thanks to Rudolph Riedel for sending me the programs.
- - Added recognition for EasyReqPatch, ModePro, PatchAllocMem,
- ReqChange, TimedRequesters and MultiCX to the vector check.
- Thanks to Rudolph Riedel and Axel Folley for sending them.
- - Added Ebola and Cryptic Essence linkviruses.
- Thanks to Markus Schmall for sending them.
- - Added support for FD files to the vector check. Now you are
- able to see the function names of unknown vectors instead of
- their offsets.
- - Uh! Last minute fix in the FD file support. Standard functions
- (-6 to [-24/-36]) have not been displayed correctly.
- - Totally overworked file check routines. 4EB9-linked files will
- be unlinked, decrunched and checked now. Nested 4EB9-links in
- one file are handled all during one check via recursive calls
- to the check routine. This stuff took me two full days as
- I had to localize all global structures in the check routines!
- - Totally overworked internal file- and linkvirus brains to
- support 4EB9-viruses directly. And another weekend is gone!
- Attention: VirusZ will detect some built-in viruses ONLY if the
- decrunch option is enabled. Sorry, but that's the drawback with
- recursive checking.
- - Splitted docs in three parts: English, Deutsch and history.
- Cut pre-VirusZ II entries from the history to shorten docs back
- to a sensible size. Updated guides with new features.
- - Fixed another little problem with FD files in the vector check.
- Some devices (e.g. trackdisk) don't have a FD file because they
- don't offer additional functions. In that case the standard
- functions (-6 to -36) have not been displayed by name.
- - Added new powerful version of xfdmaster.library.
- - Removed old icons and added MagicWB icons by Martin Huttenloher
- and Timm S. Müller. Thanks for the great work guys!
- 1.23 Changes/Additions since 1.22:
- - Oops! Illegal Access also has a method to link itself to
- libraries/devices/datatypes etc. which I've totally forgotten
- in the last version. Thanks to Markus Schmall for reporting
- this 'feature'.
- - Oops again! The recognition for COP 9 recognized almost every
- Amiga-E program as virus. Sorry for this especially to all
- Amiga-E programmers who had trouble with their users.
- Thanks again to Markus Schmall for the call.
- - Renamed viruses formerly called COP 9 to Biomechanic 1.
- - Renamed DayDream/Fixdisk Fake to Biomechanic 2.
- VirusZ 1.21 Fake is a Biomechanic 2 too.
- - Added viruses: HD_Install Fake, Circle of Power 9, Vera 2.3,
- ConMan Link Installer and ConMan Link, Wireface Trojan and
- Biomechanic 3. Thanks to Markus Schmall for sending them.
- - Oops #3! When reading the report from VTC Hamburg, I always
- wondered which generation of the Crime'92 shouldn't be
- recognized by VirusZ. Now I found it by analysing the virus
- once again. I've forgotten to check for word-padded links
- (happens when the very last opcode in a file is RTS) and
- I've overseen the fact that the encryption may have two
- different branch offsets. Sorry folks, now it's 100% safe!
- - Optimized hunk handling in the linkvirus removal routines
- and saved about 400 bytes of code.
- - Finally fixed one BIG problem of the file checker:
- Whenever there was a write access (deleting/removing virus),
- it may have happened that some files were overseen or
- checked twice because the filesystem exchanges some file
- headers on disk on every write access. This was especially
- nasty concerning RAM:, because that handler is not block
- oriented. That problems are history!!
- I've rewritten the whole directory scan routine using ExAll()
- instead of Examine()/ExNext(). Now not only the above mentioned
- problems are fixed, but the code is even shorter and faster
- than before. Nested directories are now handled via recursive
- calls to the scan routine!
- - Added (new versions of) the following patches to the vector
- check: AlertPatch, ExecPatch, MakeVPortPatch, Enhanced Alert
- Hook, NewMenu, NoCare, PatchAlert, PointerX, Reset1200 and
- SysIHack. Thanks to Dave Jones for sending them.
- 1.22 Changes/Additions since 1.20:
- - Added file and memory support for B.E.O.L. and Illegal Access
- viruses. These two bastards took me a whole weekend to analyse
- and find a cure. Very nasty and totally new ideas inside.
- Thanks to Markus Schmall for sending them so quickly.
- - Added some more information to the vector check 'CPU Interrupt
- Vectors'. Just an idea I got while analysing Illegal Access.
- Now not only the autovectors are displayed, but all exceptions.
- - Added recognition for the following viruses:
- Alfons Eberg 2.0, ComKiller 1.6 Fake, Condom 1.5, K&M Intro,
- DayDream/FixDisk Fake, Butonic 3.10 + Installer, LZX 1.20 Fake,
- Empty Biomechanic, Rock'n'Roll Trojan and InstSG Fake.
- - Added new feature to file check: So-called 4EB9-Linkers will
- now be detected and reported. 4EB9, 4EF9, UFO and XLink linkers
- are recognized by now. I will add some more support for these
- in the next versions (Possibly re-link and check single parts?).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.21 FAKED VERSION!!! I never released VirusZ II 1.21 (80268 Bytes).
- This is an original VirusZ version with a Biomechanic virus
- linked to it via 4EB9 Linker. Delete it immediately!!!
- Thanks to Markus Schmall for reporting about that stuff.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.20 Changes/Additions since 1.18:
- - Added recognition for the following viruses:
- Circle Of Power (several new versions), Fileghost 3, Karaçiç
- and Conman 1995 + Installer. Thanks to Markus Schmall and
- Axel Folley for sending that stuff.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.19 FAKED VERSION!!! I never released VirusZ II 1.19 (9.6.95).
- This actually is VirusZ II 1.03 with only the version strings
- changed. No damage is caused by this fake.
- Thanks to Markus Schmall for reporting about that stuff and to
- Holger Hesselbarth and André Lagemann for sending it to me.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.18 Changes/Additions since 1.17:
- - Updated file check to support the new features of the
- xfdmaster.library v35.
- - Added new option to the file check prefs: "Decrunch Data Files"
- Now you can tell VirusZ to load data files completely into
- memory and try to decrunch them. Useful especially for XPK
- packed executables, as they couldn't be checked for viruses
- until now. Thanks to Nicolas Franck for this nice idea.
- - Renamed old option "Decrunch Files" to "Decrunch Executables"
- as this description is less confusing.
- - VirusZ has a second official distribution site now:
- Virus Help BBS - Team Denmark [++45-3672-6867]. Thanks Jan!
- - Fixed little bug in the linkvirus removal code: If the hunk to
- be removed was the only hunk of the whole file, VirusZ crashed.
- Thanks to Koenraad Rutgers for sending some example files.
- - Added new patches: MultiUser 1.8, ToolManager 2.1a, SmartWB
- and xLoadSeg. Thanks to Nicolas Franck for sending them.
- - Added viruses: Circle Of Power 4, CallingCard Hacker and
- HD SpeedUp 1.0. Thanks to Jan Andersen for sending them.
- - Added new features to the vector check:
- a. Settings can be changed within the vector check now.
- If some prefs have been changed, display auto-refeshes.
- b. Vector report can be saved now. Thanks to Steve Bowman for
- this useful idea and sorry for the long delay.
- 1.17 Changes/Additions since 1.16:
- - Added viruses: Revenge of NANO 1 + 2, IconDepth Fake, VScan Fake,
- Circle of Power 2 + 3. Thanks to Markus Schmall and Matthias Gutt
- for sending them.
- - VirusZ has an official distribution site now. Thanks to Holger
- of THE REALM [++49-(0)515-43528] for his offer.
- 1.16 Changes/Additions since 1.15:
- - Added patches: DosPrefs, TWA, PowerSnap and a new version of
- ToolsDaemon. Thanks to Rudolph Riedel for sending these.
- - Added viruses: Circle Of Power, /X Fucker, Rastenbork 1.2,
- Rastenbork 2.0, Rastenbork Installer, World Clock Fake.
- Thanks to Markus Schmall and Jan Andersen for sending them.
- 1.15 Changes/Additions since 1.13:
- - Added Gathering '95, Conman-LoadWB + Installer, Addy 0.99 +
- Installer, Commander Installer, Copy_LX, LhA V3, IStrip 2.1.
- Thanks to Markus Schmall for all that viruses.
- - Fixed recognition for DMS 2.06, Timebomber Inst. and Gotcha
- Lamer! Installer. Thanks again to Markus Schmall.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.14 FAKED VERSION!!! I never released VirusZ II 1.14 (2.2.95).
- This actually is VirusZ II 1.03 with only the version strings
- changed. No damage is caused by this fake, but it's really
- old and though not too useful. Thanks to Jan Andersen for
- sending that stuff to me.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.13 Changes/Additions since 1.12:
- - Added new PointerX, SysException and AddPower to the vector
- check. Thanks to Dave Jones for sending this stuff.
- - Added 'Access Forbidden' clone. Again thanks to Dave.
- - Added CheckDebug, CycleToMenu, ForceIcon, NewMode, PatchPointer,
- SwazInfo and new Setpatch to vector check. Thanks to
- Thomas Kessler for all those bits'n'pieces.
- - Added WBExtender to vector check. Thanks to Markus Schmall.
- - Added Ami-Hacker, DMS 2.06 Short and Surprise virus. Thanks
- to Markus Schmall for sending this stuff.
- - Totally revised & updated the filevirus brain. Everything is
- prepared for some new features now. Wait and see...
- - Fixed some bad recognition code that reported several
- virus-free programs to be infected. Thanks to Markus Schmall,
- David Oakes and Koenraad Rutgers for the hints.
- Note to Koenraad: The problems with BootJob and XLink will
- be fixed in one of the next updates as this is what I wanted
- to do next anyway. Your files are NO viruses.
- - Added patches: FasterBlit 6.6 and some new SetPatch stuff.
- Thanks to Adam Szymczak for these.
- - Added Pestilence bootvirus. Infected sectors can be repaired
- via SectorCheck. Thanks again to Markus Schmall.
- 1.12 Changes/Additions since 1.11:
- - Added Commander, Eleni! and Fileghost 2 viruses! Thanks to
- Markus Schmall for sending them.
- - Added new versions of ReqChange and CopyMemQuicker to the
- vector check. Thanks to Adam Szymczak for sending them.
- - Renamed "? No Name ?" virus to Vtek 2.2.
- - Improved recognition code for Decompiler virus. Some AMOS
- files had been recognized as the virus. Thanks to Markus
- Schmall for the hint.
- - Redesigned whole file- and linkvirus checking routines.
- You won't notice a big difference as the GUI looks as always,
- but internally everything has changed. VirusZ is now able
- to check EVERY hunk of executable files for linkviruses.
- NO hidden linkviruses anymore by just adding some new hunks!
- - Fixed several small bugs in some old linkvirus stuff while
- rewriting the checker.
- - Linkvirus removal code now supports all official hunktypes
- from hunk_unit to hunk_index.
- - Added some new file types.
- - Renamed some more viruses, amount of viruses changed
- slightly because some routines now recognize several
- types of the same virus while others have been split.
- - Redesigned "Show Brains" requester.
- - Added Big Ben, Max Of Starlight '93, BootX Killer and
- Amiga Fanatic 1.1 bootviruses. Thanks to Markus Schmall
- as always for sending them ;-)
- - Added recognition for new versions of RTPatch and FasterBlit.
- Thanks to David Oakes for sending them.
- - Redesigned "Show Brains" again, displays patches now.
- TO DO:
- Due to lack of time, I just redesigned the linkvirus part of
- the file check, the filevirus part still only checks the first
- hunk. This will be changed in later releases. I have some ideas
- concerning the so-called 4EB9-Linker and similar utilities, too.
- This is a secret, wait for the key...
- 1.11 Changes/Additions since 1.10:
- - Added Elien 0.1 virus and VMK 3.00 fake. Thanks to Markus
- Schmall for sending them.
- - Added Enforcer, SegTracker and MungWall to vector check.
- Thanks to Ulrich Klauer for sending this stuff.
- - Added latest version of xfdmaster.library.
- 1.10 Changes/Additions since 1.09:
- - Added viruses: Decompiler, Doom + Installer, Intel (LoadWB),
- Lamerfry 1.3b, Lamerkiller, Laureline, DMS 2.13 Fake, JiZANSi,
- RootFormatter, EastStar + Installer, Look BBS, Sumpf Gag,
- Polyzygotronifikator. Thanks to Markus Schmall for these.
- - Added latest version of xfdmaster.library.
- - Added another linkvirus that doesn't contain any ID string,
- so I simply called it "? No Name ?". May be renamed later.
- Thanks again to Markus Schmall for sending it.
- 1.09 Changes/Additions since 1.08:
- - Added viruses: Eleni, Loop-Combo and Labtec. Thanks to
- Markus Schmall and Mark Ives for sending these.
- - Added latest version of xfdmaster.library.
- 1.08 Changes/Additions since 1.07:
- - Added viruses: Mount, Debugger, G-Zus and some CCCP Clones.
- Thanks to Marco van den Mont, Jan Andersen, Jim Maciorowski
- and Krzysztof Klos for sending them.
- - Added more viruses: Installer of Mount, Easy-E and Installer
- of Conman. Thanks to Markus Schmall for sending them.
- 1.07 Changes/Additions since 1.06:
- - Added viruses: Installer of Datalock, LhA-Check 1.1 and a new
- version of Menem's Revenge. Thanks to Markus Schmall and
- Jan Bo Andersen for sending them.
- - Again new viruses: MST-Inte, Rel 01.28 and Conman-Trojan.
- Thanks to Markus Schmall for these beasts.
- - Added new version of xfdmaster.library including external
- decruncher and changed installation script.
- - Designed new icons for VirusZ, Guide and Installation.
- 1.06 Changes/Additions since 1.05:
- - Added some additional self checks. You can now verify if your
- copy of VirusZ is an original or a fake by comparing the length
- stated in the "About" request with the actual file length.
- - Added new patches: HD Floppy Driver, SetPatchMrgCop, PowerData,
- BorderBlank and a new version of MagicMenu.
- Thanks to David Oakes and Naim Hosein for sending them.
- - Added boot viruses: Datalock 1.1, Datalock 1.2, Polish P-1B.
- Thanks to Markus Schmall and Krzysztof Klos.
- - Added file viruses: Installer of Digital Dream, Xlink 3.0,
- Saddam 7, Aibon 3, Burn 2, T.A.I. 11, ToolsDaemon 2.2 Fake,
- GeneralHunter 3.2. Thanks to Markus Schmall, Martin Odaischi
- and Jan Bo Andersen.
- - Added string gadget "Devices" to the Misc Prefs. Now you can
- enter all your devices (mounted or unmounted) to this list
- and they will be both checked from the background task and
- used from the BootLab. I hear some people say: "Oh, I have to
- type them all myself. How irritating!". BUT: You'll have to do
- it only once, and then there will never be any problems with
- CD drives, some HD controllers etc. If a drive doesn't work,
- simply don't add it to the list. Thanks to this simple but
- nevertheless great idea to Axel Folley.
- - Added again viruses: Zonder Kommando 1 + 2, AAA-Enhancer, JINX.
- Thanks to Markus Schmall for these and for the 'Burn' code.
- - Included latest version of xfdmaster.library.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !WARNING! VirusZ II 1.05 (68544 bytes) is a fake! !WARNING!
- The original is 66116 bytes long.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.05 Changes/Additions since 1.03:
- - Totally redesigned documentation. It is now written for AmigaGuide
- and contains a German section to satisfy all the guys who kept on
- nagging for the last months.
- - Added some nice code for encrypting VirusZ. Bad luck, hackers.
- I hate nothing more than little lamers thinking they are cool
- when they destroy the hard work of other people.
- - Added patches: AlertPatch, FaccII, GOMF 3.0, RTDD 1.7, SFAPatch,
- Setpatch 40.14. Thanks go to Steve Bowman and Ralf Thanner.
- - Added bootblock viruses: Baltasar, Datacrime 2.0, PAL, PDS, PKK,
- Shake!, TAI 4, TAI 5, TAI 6, TAI 8, TAI 9, Tomates Gentechnic 2.0.
- Thanks to Martin Odaischi and [can't remember who it was].
- - Added file viruses: Boot-Virus Installer, VirusZ 1.03 Fake.
- Thanks fly over to Martin Odaischi and Markus Schmall.
- If I only could get my hands on the little idiot who did that
- fake, he'd wish he never had done it.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !WARNING! VirusZ II 1.04 is a fake! !WARNING!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !WARNING! VirusZ II 1.03 (67076 bytes) is a fake! !WARNING!
- The original is 64664 bytes long.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.03 Changes/Additions since 1.01:
- - Added the following viruses: Sepultura 2.26, BossNuke,
- ModuleMaster 1.7 Fake, Virus-Hunter 10.20, VKill 1.00 File,
- Merry, MegaLink, Digital Dream, Zenker.
- Thanks to Markus Schmall and Jan Nielsen for sending them.
- - Replaced decrunch.library by xfdmaster.libary support.
- That's one of the reasons why the last few updates were
- quite simple, I worked on that library since October.
- It works much more efficient than decrunch.library,
- is much safer and supports some more crunchers. Several
- bugs have been fixed.
- - Improved the hunk tester in the file check.
- - Added some more viruses: PHA Intro Fake, Anim Intro Fake,
- Dialer 2.8g/6.2, M-WHO Backdoor, Stockmarket Backdoor.
- Thanks to Markus Schmall and Jan Bo Andersen.
- - Replaced old reqtools.library with a new update.
- - Added new patches to vector check: Xoper 2.4, NOG2 2.1,
- PowerCache 37.64, FasterBlit 5.0, IPrefs 40.29.
- Thanks to Ralf Thanner for sending them.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- !WARNING! VirusZ II 1.02 is a fake, delete it now. !WARNING!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.01 Changes/Additions since 1.00:
- - Added new viruses: VIRI, SHI, VCS 1, VCS 2, Leviathan,
- Fred Cohen.
- Thanks to Markus Schmall and Jan Bo Andersen for these.
- - Added new patches to vector check:
- KCommodity 2.5, MagicMenu 1.27, PrintManager 1.1 + 2.0,
- FastWaitBlit, FrontPubScreen, Alert Patch.
- 1.00 Changes/Additions since 0.94ß:
- - Added new bootviruses: Karl Marx, CBM, SCA 666, M_Chat and
- TFC Evergreen 47.11.
- Thanks to Martin Odaischi for sending them.
- - Added new bootviruses: AIFS, NASA, TAI, PVL.
- Added new linkviruses: Dark Avenger 1 + 2.
- Thanks to Markus Schmall for sending them.
- 0.94ß Changes/Additions since 0.93ß:
- - Added several new bootblock viruses (mostly clones):
- ABC Viruskiller 1.01, Electro Vision, Exorcist, Grim Reaper,
- Irak 3, JT Protector 1.0, Lame Game, MAD 3b, Prima Vera 8.0,
- Starcom 1, 2 and 3.
- 0.93ß Changes/Additions since 0.92ß:
- - Added code for safer device calls. Several people told me
- that previous VirusZ versions crashed immediately when started
- on their A3000(T). They all had PC0: mounted. This was not a
- problem of VirusZ at all, but a bug in the mfm.device of
- Commodore. This device trashes register D3 in the Open() call
- and therefore caused VirusZ to crash because it uses D3.
- Time for a little bug fix, Commodore??
- Thanks a lot to Axel Folley for his extensive testing. I don't
- know if I would have found that bug as fast as he did.
- 0.92ß Changes/Additions since 0.91ß:
- - Added 'Check Again' gadget to file and sector checker.
- - Added 'Auto-Save Report' and 'Default Report Path' to the
- file check preferences.
- - Added 'Hide OK Vectors' to the vector check preferences.
- - Rewrote main loop to act as a commodity. VirusZ can now
- be controlled via Exchange.
- - Added Shell options and tooltypes CX_PRIORITY, CX_POPKEY
- and CX_POPUP for standard commodity support.
- - Added 'Hide' item to project menu.
- - Added commodity default settings to the misc prefs.
- - Removed 'Snapshot Window' item from prefs menu.
- The window now remembers all movements automatically.
- - Added 'Center Main Window' to the misc prefs to override
- the remembered window position.
- - Added 'Close Main Window = Exit' to support both the old
- CLOSEWINDOW and the standard commodity behaviour.
- - Added Shell option and tooltype PUBSCREEN. VirusZ can open
- its windows on any public screen now.
- - Added Shell option ??=INFO. Use it to get more information
- about the usage of the other options.
- - Added new viruses: SnoopDos 1.9 Fake, SnoopDos 2.1 Fake,
- DWEdit 1.62a Fake, DI Ansi Ed 2.8 Fake, AEReg 3.9, A.I.S.F.
- 0.91ß Changes/Additions since 0.90ß:
- - Added bootblock lab (no brain support yet).
- - Added bootlab preferences.
- - Removed Unicorn 1.1 from the bootvirus brain. This is not
- a virus, but a quite unique loader for menus etc.
- Thanks to the guy from Unicorn for calling me.
- 0.90ß Changes/Additions since 3.07:
- - VirusZ requires OS2 now.
- - Redesigned main menu and split it in two parts.
- - Totally rewritten file check. Uses a multiselect filereq
- now, has a new window and new preferences. Detects more
- file types and handles viruses even better than the old one.
- - Totally rewritten sector check. Only works with trackdisk units
- now and supports HD drives. Improved Saddam checking in order to
- prevent wrong diagnostics (same with Little Sven). New window
- and own preferences have been added.
- - Totally rewritten vector check. Output may be scrolled now,
- preferences configure the vectors that should be checked.
- - Totally rewritten background checker. Works parallel to
- the main process and therefore can check memory/disks even
- during a file check. Own preferences.
- - New preferences format with checksum. This will be compatible
- with future ones because of standard definition.
- - Rewritten startup code.
- - Added internal brain display to VirusZ.
- - No brain support and all related functions in this release.
- - No bootblock lab + prefs.
- - No Shell usage.
- - 1000 other minor changes I can't remember.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VirusZ II (OS 2.0+ only) history starts in Summer '93.
- VirusZ 1.00 - VirusZ 3.07 history (September '91 - Summer '93) removed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------